Free Yoga Downloads

Please enjoy these selections of what I call "Florian Yoga". Thank you for practicing yoga with me. Namaste, Deborah

30 Minute Vinyasa Yoga Practice

Download Part 1 Download Part 2
Enjoy this 30 minute guided vinyasa (flow) practice.

Deep Relaxation - Savasana

Download Savasana (deep relaxation)
Even if you don't have time for a long yoga practice, savasana is the posture to be sure to include! Use this deep relaxation as the conclusion to your yoga practice or as a stand-alone meditation. Lie down, close your eyes and relax.....

The Book: What is Yoga? Answered in 101 Bite-Sized Pieces
Download the e-version of my book

What is Yoga? is a simple, fun book for newcomers to yoga and longtime practitioners of yoga. Its short and elegant one sentence answers to the question, "what is yoga?" are sure to give you something to think about. Perfect as a gift for yoga enthusiasts and for anyone who thinks yoga is just about stretching and putting your foot behind your head!

"It's hard to believe there could be so much depth in such a small package. Sort of like a modern day Yoga Sutras"
--B. Weisenberg, Moderator Yoga Journal Philosophy Forum

If you enjoy these tools, come practice with me more on The 30 Day Yoga Journey.


Unknown said...

Hello Deborah. Wow you've got some awesome stuff right here on this page!

I am loving the e-book and the idea of such small digestible ideas like that is very effective.

It's such a gift that you were inspired (and pushed lovingly) to write and therefore discover such a strong clear voice.

Keep writing! :-)

Florian said...

Awww, thanks Herrin. You made my day!! Deb

Melita said...

oh my, thank you so very much for sharing this. i am just starting to teach yoga. it seemed as if to be perfect timing that kimberly wilson interviewed you. i just signed up for the 30 day journey and i can't wait to get daily inspiration so that my own practice will grow and i can incorporate what i am learning with my students. thank you again. huge hugs!!

Florian said...

Melita-thank you for including me in the start of your yoga teaching! Please keep me posted...
All the best,