I'm going to be publishing a follow-up book that includes 25 yoga instructors' interpretations of What is Yoga? Each chapter will include the teachings of one instructor.
The deadline for submission in January 15, 2009 and if your writing is included for a chapter, you will be a published author on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2009.
Read more about the project including guidlines for submission at www.returntoyourcenter.com
Please pass this invitation along to any yoga teacher who has inspired you - give them the opportunity to share their wisdom with the world!
excited to see that you are out in the blogosphere! florian villa doesn't seem that far away now. i'm intrigued by your book idea...you may see an email from me soemtime in the next two weeks!
peace and kindness,
Chas...I was hoping you'd submit a chapter...I'm looking forward to it!! Deb
I laugh when I think of all the yoga teachers. They are fall into three categories. The nicest people in the world, easy to deal with, great teachers and leaders, would be successful in any part of life. Corporals, Lt.'s, Department of the Interior, Department of the State, President of a University. Anywhere. Period. Second, they are so full of themselves and they don't live in the same world as the rest of us. These very rarely famous yoga instructors. They are in the middle somewhere. Not beginners, not beginning teachers, but not teaching at a yoga journal conference either. They are not well known and not from mother earth. That being said, they are usually nice, they just don't see the big picture. ( I have proof of this and it is actually quite hysterical ). The last are do one thing and say another. Hypocrite is probably a good word. They push their beliefs beyond yoga onto someone else, kind of like a cult or a terrorist. Why do I say that? Well, I have been known to say that not military person should die unless we are attacked by a military organization that we can fight ( not Hamas or al qaeda ). Kinda of like Germany or Japan, and with a little room for Rwanda or Somalia since that involves human suffering however I must remind this to the yoga community. It is not worth one American life, not one American limb for a country like Iraq or Afghanistan ). And yes, Israel, that includes you. That is your war, not ours. Do you really think that we are going to make one difference in Afghanistan fighting goat herders? The Soviet Union didn't have rules of engagement and they lost miserably. So boots on the ground. Hell no. So back to the yoga teachers that are all doves that love Barack Obama, are you going to support him against his war against Afghanistan? For some reason, and please tell me why the third category of yoga teachers, why do you hate war so much but not only love Obama, but his actually your savior. Please someone answer this question or can. Yes we still need troops the third group. We still need them when Iran looses it. The military is what let's you practice Yoga. They are the defenders of your freedom, not the enemy of the state. They don't get to pick what wars they fight, politicians do. They don't decide what countries to evacuate ( i.e. Liberia ), politicians do. So, think twice when writing hate mail that you can hide behind the internet ( i.e. Happy Holiday to the troops like this is the most disgusting thing you have ever heard of ). So you want the troops for Hilter but you don't want them for Afghanistan or maybe you do or maybe you want them to help Israel against Hamas. I don't know but again that is in the hands of politicians, not the troops, the air force, the marines, the navy, and the army. I would love to see how many people are going to protest the war when Obama is in office since blowing up goat herders is humane. I thought yoga was for everyone. I thought it meant calmness, I thought it was stretching and breathing. I thought it was the moment we are in right now. I think that Florian Yoga asked some people what yoga was and a lot of them wrote back in disgust. Does anyone know exactly what yoga is? If you do, please tell me what it is and I hope you can use a word like peace and not hypocrite.
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