Peace, On-Hold?

It's easy to neglect our self-care when we deviate from our regular routine. For instance, if we're on vacation, traveling for work, or even wrapped up in a busy project; we often rationalize abandoning the practices that serve us best.
How often do we tell ourselves..."when this wave of craziness passes, I'll get back to my daily rituals and start taking better care of myself"?
Even in the midst of seemingly unending chaos, we are still living the one life we were given.

Right now is not "pre-life" or an "intermission from life".

Today IS your life, so treat it that way by caring for yourself, even if it's just for a few minutes.

Can't think of a way to care for yourself at this moment? Click below and listen with your eyes closed (or while checking email, if you must)...truly an adult lullaby. One of my favorite mantras, sung by Deva Premal.


Yoga With John said...

Thanks for the reminder, I'm always looking to refine my practice, and dissolve that division between practice and life... Until there is no division.

just started in on your new book!


Just posted a great pic, Krishna Das' lasting message: