Free "What is Yoga?" Book Opportunity-when you help a great cause

We're working really hard to spread the word about the book,Yoga in America!
Did you know that 50% of proceeds from Yoga in America go directly toward our fall 2009 trip to St. John for wounded soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan?
With our fund raising efforts from last year, we raised enough money to fly 6 soldiers to Florian Villa on St. John to get their SCUBA certification. ABC News' Bob Woodruff did a piece on the trip. Watch the Good Morning America video. Read about one soldier's experience with yoga on the trip in March.

We're planning another trip for wounded Marines from New England for this fall. Your support of Yoga in America can help make this happen!

Here's how to get a FREE copy of the book What is Yoga? 101 Bite-Sized Answers:

Write a review of Yoga in America and post it on and/or and you will receive a FREE copy of What is Yoga? 101 Bite-Sized Answers

After your review is posted, email me at with the link to the post and your mailing address, and I'll mail your free copy ASAP.

Thanks for your support! Learn more about our charitable work for families of fallen firefighters and disabled troops.